The Spirit of the Sage Council has embarked on a relatively new and special conservation project - the Southern Pines Ecosystem Project. Together with other endangered species and forest activists, the Southern Pines Ecosystem Project is a collaborative effort to protect the federally endangered Red Cockaded Woodpecker of the imperiled Long-leaf Pine Forests in the United States through:

Ensuring that the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other environmental laws are being adequately implemented and enforced by the lead State and Federal public trust agencies.

Ensuring that sound science is being used adequately and consistently on all public trust lands, regardless of private interests and undue political influence, by State and Federal wildlife agencies for the recovery of the endangered Red Cockaded Woodpecker and management of its Long leaf Pine forest habitat.

Researching the effects of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service "Safe Harbor Program" along with "Incidental Take Permits and Habitat Conservation Plans" including "No Surprises" assurances on the endangered Red Cockaded Woodpecker.

(c) Spirit of the Sage Council -- Southern Pines Ecosystem Project 2001
SW Office - 30 North Raymond Ave. Suite 303 Pasadena, CA 91103 USA (626)676-4116
Mailing Address - 439 Westwood SC #144, Fayetteville, NC 28314